Members of Department of Science

We are team of dedicated and committed trained teachers. Our work strives to inspire and motivate students to adopt research based exploration of knowledge. Developing scientific temperament and promoting rational attitude towards various phenomenons in the universe are key emphasis in our endeavour to train our students.

Project Navdhanya

Three days hands on training on Gardening and composting was participated by sixteen students and two escort teachers

CTA Level SMEE-2018, THF Mussoorie

Four Students Participated in the 2nd CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition

Science Quiz-2018

Mega Science quiz held on June 19, 2018

Science Camp-2018

Science Camp-2018 was participated by 52 students in four disciplines of science at Regional Science Center, Dehradun


Tenzin Choezin, XI A Science

As the time goes by a person looks in the mirror and see himself getting a different and variety of look as the time goes. This is called aging. Aging is the process of becoming older. As we grow old, we age and this brings a lot of changes in person’s life.

According to me, we grew old because of DNA oxidation. As the time passes, our bodies get oxidized as we inhale oxygen during respiration. In this century we are not able to find the real cause of aging. In some animals such as backward aging jelly fish has found as way to cheat death by actually reversing its aging process according to National Geographic. The jellyfish can return to its polyp stage over a three day period, transforming its cell into a younger state that will eventually grow into adulthood all over again.

IN the near future, it is possible that the scientists will find the cause of aging and discover some method to slow its and stop it and eventually even reverse it. If ageing can be stooped this will bring a huge change to the world. If anti-aging is possible then living or dying will be an option. Which is a great to me and I hope it is for you as well.

Ancient remedies like Acupuncture and Herbal medication for treatment of diseases; connecting science to culture

Ancient remedies like Acupuncture and Herbal medication for treatment of diseases; connecting science to culture
Youngzin Lhamo, XI A Science

Treatments for problems of the digestive system, muscle pains etc are dated long back in the ancient times. As long ago as 25,000B.C, the Chinese treated various digestive disorders with acupuncture. Acupuncture is a painful yet an interesting treatment in which very thin needles are placed into the body at key points. It is an ancient remedy, yet famous in all ways. For digestive system, this treatment has been proven to control appetite and to reduce stomach upset.
The ancient Chinese also used plants to treat digestive disorders. Plants used in this way are called herbs. The yellow underground stem of Chinese Rhubarb has been used for more than 2,000 years to regulate digestion. Another herb used as medicine since ancient time is garlic. The Chinese, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Hindus and Egyptians all used garlic to treat various intestinal disorders.
These practices are healthy and cause no side effects during treatment. Acupuncture is more popular in eastern Asian countries although it is practiced in other countries too. Acupuncture has its own depth study especially about areas of pinning points and its required technique. The practices of acupuncture and herbs are visible in Tibetan communities too. All medicines provided in Tibetan hospitals lead by Men-tsee-khang are herbal medicine. Since everything in the world has its merit and demerit and limitations, afore mentioned practices also has drawbacks. These treatment practices take quite along long time to heal any curable diseases.
The patients require lots of patience, faith and must be consistent especially in taking the herbal medicines on time. The roots of patience are always a fruitful result. The final outcomes are satisfactory with its root healing power. These herbal medicines heals a disease from the root rather than curing the symptoms like other effective dosage that heals us from the pain for a short duration.
These practices are convenient and beneficial. Nature is always healthy for our body. There are many ways in which the traditional old practices edges over modern high chemical input dosage which heals one and rises another disorder.
Hence, believe in nature and healing power would be more stronger with your faithful energy. I assume theses practices more significant and desirable. Look around for some interesting news about people who has been cured from incurable cancers and other benefits of traditional remedies for treatment of dieses.

Happiness –the childbirth

Happiness –the childbirth
Tenzin Tselha, XI B Science

The development of the baby since nine months or 38 weeks or 266 days passed. The day has arrived, the gestation period. The long awaited moment of the family arrived, filled with fear, excitement and multiple emotions. The pregnant mother suffers the uterine contraction of the mother efforts fully for the healthy delivery of the baby out of the comfort zone in fifteen minutes. The process of this delivery is termed as parturition. The labour process of childbirth comprises mainly of four stages.

Starting witht the mother’s contraction and to the travelling of foetus down the birth canal, expulsion and the delivery of the baby and it’s placenta. If the mother of the baby proceeds the contraction normally, the moment of happiness and ladoos begins for the family. But in case, the mother is not able to contract week enough and unable to push the baby properly, labour techniques are needed. While the contraction takes place, with each contraction, the mother should relax for the foetus to receive oxygen. Without proper relaxation, the amount of blood reaching the foetus becomes lesser.

Relaxation and deep breathing will help the mother to reduce pain. The gynecologist will even provide a mixture of half air, half nitrous oxide at the beginning of contraction. During the delivery, the heart rate of the foetus is in between 120 to 160 beats per minute.
Normally, the rate decreases with each contraction and comes back. If it does not return to normal, this will be a problem which should be treated. Understand the suffering of the mother and pay the love and care back.