of Acronym Science
by Stanzin
Padma (Class VIIIA)
S- Super
C- Crazy
I- Ideas
E- Evolving
N- Now as
C- Cool
E- Endings
Mrs. Choezin Lhamo
Mrs. Rajesh Chauhan
Miss. Sherab Wangmo
Mr. Tsering Lodhen
Mr. Tashi Phuntsok
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang, The Secretary
We are team of dedicated and committed trained teachers. Our work strives to inspire and motivate students to adopt research based exploration of knowledge. Developing scientific temperament and promoting rational attitude towards various phenomenons in the universe are key emphasis in our endeavour to train our students.
E-mail I.D: tcvschoolselakui@gmail.com
Blog: https://tcvselakuiscience.blogspot.in/
Mr. Tenzin Jamyang +91 70189 32210